By not putting the acquired knowledge into use, our Iq’tida process will have been in vain. Thus, to continue the path towards uprooting the obstacles to success and entrenching the enablers, we need to use the knowledge we acquire. Implementing knowledge, however, entails changes to our current practices and habits. Such changes are difficult and cannot be achieved in one step; they need to start from within. They need to start with the decision that we will enact the changes needed. This is the starting point of Azm. Azm, or “Wanna-Do”, is about having the decisiveness to act on our intention and to adopt the knowledge we acquire to better ourselves. Azm is about having the desire to deliver, and the mental focus to determine what must be done to achieve what is required of us.
We also need to be decisive in setting our priorities and the manner in which we will address the issues we face. Without the decisiveness to prioritize our responsibilities, we will not be able to effectively fulfill those responsibilities, nor will we be able to give the more relevant and important responsibilities their due. In addition, we need decisiveness to select the optimum solution, among many, for any situation or task we face. Azm stipulates that a correct decision is the one that provides the most effective solution. This is the solution that optimizes our returns for a given amount of effort.
Thus, we can claim to possess or have adopted Azm when we demonstrate:
- A desire to analyze the various situations we find ourselves in, and the knowledge needed to address those situations.
- A willingness to acquire the knowledge needed to prioritize between the various
- A commitment to determine the various solutions available to us for any given
- A commitment to determine the most effective solution. This entails understanding the requirements for each solution (in terms of resources and effort) and the returns expected for the required effort.
- Decisiveness to decide which situations will be addressed and which solution will be chosen for each situation.